Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Caught in the Grey

     So given the tone that's been set for this election season it's easy to point out that people love to polarize things. We don't like topics to be ...fuzzy. Everything makes so much more sense and becomes so much simpler when we lay it all out in obvious black and white terms. Unfortunately life simply isn't that cut and dry and more often than we'd like we find ourselves dealing with topics that seem devoid of clear absolutes. Luckily we have a tried and true tactic for dealing with these situations, pretend!

     Yes, when things get difficult or complicated many of us find that the best thing to do is just take the fuzzy edges and curved lines and force them into straight, organized, neat little categories. Instead of acknowledging the complex nature of the issue we simply cover our ears and sing la la la until the problem goes away. Of course the problems never really go away but if we keep singing that tune long enough and loud enough we'll gather a whole choir together and we can all sing together making it that much harder to hear anyone else.

     Unfortunately we Christians are just as guilty of this as anyone. Frankly it's easy to understand why, complex topics are difficult to deal with. There are many things that God has laid out neatly and obviously in the Bible. Murder, theft, lying, disobedience, selfishness, homosexuality, etc. The list goes on and on. However, there are a great many things that are either not as clear cut or simply not covered at all.

     So instead of taking the time to know and understand what the Bible actually says on these topics and stopping there, we take our own opinions and cultural norms and enforce them as law. We allow for no wiggle room, no fuzzy edges, and no grace. We can see this clearly by looking back at past standard of appearance. I'm sure you've all heard stories from back in the day when men were constantly checked for hair length and women who wore anything but dresses and skirts were covered in disapproving stares.

     The problem with that kind of thing is of course, who gets to set the standard? The law to ancient Israel does say a thing or two about women not wearing men's clothing and vice versa (Deuteronomy 22:5) but this was in a culture where everyone wore what we might consider a dress by modern reckoning. The point isn't that a girl can't wear pants or that kilts are an abomination, ultimately pants are not considered men's only anymore so a woman wearing them is just wearing women's pants.

     Now I'm not going to run down a list of fuzzy topics but I'm sure you can think of a few. What we need to remember is that truth -real truth- begins and ends with the Word of God. If the Bible doesn't clearly lay it out in no uncertain terms than be willing to give a little. If it isn't illegal, immoral, indecent, or clearly sinful, then give people the benefit of the doubt and maybe talk to them about before running them down.

     The Black and the White are comfortable categories because we don't have to think. We are not called to mindlessness though, we are called to be wise and loving. We are called to be child like not child-ish. Love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8) and humility kills a million arguments. We are none of us perfect so give the people around you a little latitude and get comfortable with the fuzzy, with the unclear, and with the imprecise. There are many things to stand firmly on to be sure, but lets be sure we're defending God's standard and not our own.

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