Now before all your collective heads
explode, keep in mind this blog will not be endorsing a particular
candidate. I honestly don't know enough at this point to point
anyone in the “right” direction if such a thing even exists.
What this post is primarily about is perspective.
The founding fathers weren't saints
and at least one of them wasn't even “Christian” by any means we
can judge this long after his death, that being said the concept of
this country is decidedly Biblical. The very idea of inalienable
rights is one that assumes a higher authority, justice and the rule
of law assume objective right and wrong that is the same for citizen
and ruler, the breakdown of our government is there to help guard
against the inherent sinfulness of humanity, etc., etc.
Our basis and starting point however
do not make this a “Christian Nation.” We must remember that
there will be no Christian nation until the return of Christ Himself.
Until that day we are just doing the best we can with what and with
whom we have.
We must pray and we must act of course
but we are not fighting against those who would destroy a heavenly
prescribed theocracy, we are simply supporting what God's Word says
is truth. We can and should be outspoken members of our society. By
God's grace and providence we have been placed in a country that
enjoys great freedoms and where the populace can be deeply involved
in their country. That is a great responsibility. Yet we must not
let ourselves get lost in the politics and caught up in the perceived
drama of the situation. Many of the issues of the day don't even
have a black and white Biblical answer, so people are going to
disagree and that's okay. It may be hard to fathom but you may just
be wrong!
Regardless of who wins the upcoming
election God remains in control. If the candidate you cannot stand
wins the seat, God put them there. If the candidate your neighbor
loathes but you love wins the seat, God put them there. Either for
good or for ill God will give the presidency to whomever He wishes.
So be involved and do your part for we are blessed with the
responsibility of being a part of how this process and His plan work
out but remember that God is ultimately running the show.
Finally, don't forget that the atheist
on the other side of the aisle who's voting for everything you want
to see thrown down, needs Jesus. The politician you can't stand?
They need the Savior. The whole left/right red/blue machine that
seemingly wishes to destroy all you hold dear? It's made up of
sinners just like you who need to meet God. Our job in this world is
not to make sure that Christian ideals win the day, our job is
reflect the light of God into a world that we know is dark and
We can't keep wasting time running
around trying to keep candles from going out. They aren't real to
begin with, the only light we have is the flame given to us by God.
We aren't stronger together when we're both apart from God and we
can't make America Great until it lifts up the name of Jesus in
praise. Vote, be involved, be aware; but love and remember where
your citizenship truly lies.
“I charge (you)
before God, who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus,
who gave testimony under Pontius Pilate for the noble confession, to
keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearance
of our Lord Jesus Christ that the blessed and only ruler will make
manifest at the proper time, the King of kings and Lord of lords..”
(1 Timothy 6:13-15)
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